Thursday, August 25, 2016

Bernie Sanders; The Match That Lit the Flame.

    It is the match that sacrifices itself, now and forever more.  We must never attach ourselves to the match.  It is from the flame of which we grow.
Bernie has been the voice across 5 decades for civil rights and equality.  It is a life spent as an independent thinker.  My God, how difficult that is, how isolating it must be.

   Bernie Sanders did not betray you, my friends.  He sacrificed himself.  At 74, he looked at his life's work and knew that time is short upon this planet of ours.  Bernie stood up for all of us and the establishment despises him for that.  He made many enemies within the Democratic Party for being so bold.  He was mocked and his supporters are told to get in line.  Bernie put his life in danger for us.
74 years old and we will never have anyone like him again.

  That flame, so tiny in May of 2015... who knew that Bernie Sanders voice spoke for millions then?  We are in a unique time in history, as our country slides out of our grasp and we have lost our direction. We have been handed a gift.  Every single supporter of Bernie is our 2nd Greatest Generation.  We know the truth.  We know what is good and we are fighting the good fight.
Bernie Sanders is the match, my friends.  He lit the flame and now it up to us to burn brightly.

Every Bernie supporter shed a few tears last night to see Bernie speaking.   This is not a cult of personality, or maybe it is.  To be a leader and speak for millions is not an easy thing.  Movements need leaders to direct focus.  It is up to us now to elect the leaders who truly represent you and me.
Be the change.
It is our revolution now.  The ascension of progressives has begun.  We will take the White House with a true progressive in 2020. We will fill the Congress and take over the Senate.  We must move forward.   Bernie brought us together and if we do anything at all, we will honor the voice he has given each of us.  A voice that stands up to the oligarchy.  A voice that stands for what is good and what is right.  He has given us organizational tools.  He encourages you and he encourages me to run for office.  He has raised us up to be better and active citizens.

  I have learned so much over this last year.  At some point I realized that even if we got Bernie into the White House, change takes work, time, and real effort.  I learned that I don't have to feel so cynical.  I learned to pay attention.  Bernie's words, "If we stand together, there is nothing we cannot accomplish." finally make sense.

Bernie was the match that lit the flame.  It is up to us now.  The match always sacrifices itself. Always.  We will keep the flame going and burn stronger and brighter than ever.